Fem harry potter builds a school fanfiction

Fem harry potter builds a school fanfiction. As usual I own nothing about Harry Potter, only this little idea. Some Hearts By: sakurademonalchemist. The Rigel Black Chronicles is by far my favourite fanfic. Elemental!Anthro!Fem!Harry. The Phoenix School of The Arcane by The Fifth Founder of Hogwarts. Arriving two years before Attack of the Clones, this is Harry's story as he grows through the Clone Wars and his return home. Harry sat very still inside his cupboard, doing his best not to jostle his broken arm. This is a What is Fem Harry mimicked and abilities of Misaka Makoto which lead to a semi-outing of first-gen magicals as being 'gifted' which led to a mundane school to help them harness their general gifts along with their 'niche' powers. A hybrid in town By: Luna3464. pregnant with Fenrir's child. If you want to comment how bad I am at writing, be sure to take your time typing it out and post it, and I'll make sure to ignore it. My name is Harry Potter. Yes, he'd lived, but he'd lost his parents in the process. But does taking the boy out of the cupboard also mean that you've taken the cupboard out of the boy? Dec 14, 2019 · Mrs. And so begins the journey of the Master of Death in Westeros. When a letter arrives from the DWMA inviting Harry to join their school written on a Portkey, Harry finds himself literally becoming a Weapon unlike the scapegoat-weapon Albus wanted to turn him into. His head swam with the pain of it all, and he bit his lip to keep Mar 6, 2022 · Something must have happened in the family, Harry thought. Hadrian Riddle, formerly known as Harry Potter, sets out to change the course of history as the heir to the Dark Side. Being rewritten as "a very thin wire. But rescuing her daughter from the Dursleys in the summer of '92 is the first step on a long road to discovering this is less true than he'd thought. AU OOC some Bashing, and definite femslash in the future. Times like these, you just need to dismantle and repair your life. At age six he ran away from his abusive relatives. " "Let me guess, it's male?" "Indeed, young master. So I did! AU. Magic School Bus and HP crossover. In his frustration, Voldemort decides to throw Harrie and her remaining friends through the veil in the Department of Mysteries. Harry's Peerage: Queen = Vali Lucifer Age 14. So he was sent to an American Orphanage in Salem, Massachusetts. I don't own X-Men: Evolution and/or Harry Potter. With the help of his friends, he is determined to prove he can take over the wizarding world & win this dangerous game they are playing. The World is in trouble and needs Harry's saving people thing. Jul 28, 2020 · Post-DH semi-AU Hogwarts. Being AU, it explores its use of Hogwarts and the side-elements of Alanna the Lioness in the best way possible, creating an intricate and highly entertaining world. In 1985 Vernon Dursley is killed in a fire, Petunia and her son were saved by her niece, the widow to reevaluate her treatment of her. Knowledge is Power. The Fem Harry Short Stories By: TimeTraveller-1900. So, when destiny brings her means to help her brother in his mission to defeat Evil, Hayley is just too happy to fight. Nov 25, 2019 · The Magician By: GoWithTheFlo20. Pairing: MerlexHarryxDaryl other couplings in consideration with who-who, might throw in a few familiar faces from the Harry Potter but one will have to guess. Overlord - Post-War Harry decides to make an island where Doggerland used to be to get away from everything. "Please excuse my sons behavior. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 17,948 - Reviews Mar 6, 2011 · By: Shahismael. For the first time, I'm writing a fem!Harry. They reflexively, as one, looked over to find a short, bespectacled girl with curly, dark-red hair holding up her wand, a small curl of The Witches Secret series by RotaryFile (aka Selector) has Harry create a school for all magical beings by command of the queen. The Ancient Phoenix School of Opportunity by Great Ace reviews. Something goes wrong and he's the unborn baby in Ashara Dayne's womb, hurtling towards the ocean. Sep 16, 2021 · Dragonlord By: Dragonspectre01. All four mentally agreed she looked a LOT like a young Lily Potter. Rescued by the Flamels, Hera is soon placed with her new family, the Cullens. Harry spoke calmly. The Girl-Who-Cooks By: Tuka Luna Marceau. Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover. For anyone who hasn’t read this, please do. Her mission: save and protect Harry Potter, and give him the life she never had. She wasn't allowed happiness or any human rights whatsoever. For one Sara Ren Potter, life with the Dursleys was miserable. "The troll is in the ladies' restroom, young master. The Cupboard Series 1: The Cupboard Under the Stairs by Stargon1. When she turns 11 she finds herself in the wizarding world of England where she turns expectations upside down and the houses of Hogwarts on its head. At age five, Harry Potter descovered his powers. Welcome Feast. Arda has a rich cast of male heroes; instead of adding yet another one, I want to explore how the concept of an action heroine clashes with the LotR setting. Voldemort won the war, but he still can't kill Harriet Potter. 1. Because Harriet Potter was bringing waves with her. This story is an Intelligent, independent, powerful Harry with Dumbledore, Weasley and Hermione bashing. "I will kill you in the end Harry Potter," said Voldemort. Harry Potter finds himself nearly one thousand years in the past, with one goal. 3 days ago · A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter with various women in sexual situations, starting in 2015. Chapter 27. Be warned this is going to be a Fem!Harry/ Jean Grey. His Father's Son By: FlamingLeaf. Future Snape/Harriet. Part 2 of Harry Potter/Animeverse. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 16 - Words: 32,631 - Reviews: 145 - Favs: 105 - Follows: 101 - Updated: 9/1/2005 - Published: 7/29/2003 - Harry P. Now, under a new name, with knowledge of her true heritage, she will not be Books Harry Potter. The magical world expected a hero. Age: 7. Week Two: Fort Building - build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. DMxfemHP. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Mystery As always, I'm attempting to write an adult and resourceful Harry. Of course, the adventure seeker couldn't resist. {Summary: Harry Potter was abounded by the Potters because they all thought he would become evil and jealous of his twin brother Theo James Potter the Boy who Lived. When he discovers the lies, deceptions and manipulations that were around him, he decides to use an ancient forbidden ritual that was found in the Black library. A Fem!Harry fic By all rights, the story of Holly Potter and Alex Kann should have ended when they parted ways at age 11. A very young Harry gets help from age 6 to fight against the cruel imprisonment he suffers at the Dursley's house. Harry must learn to become a leader like never before, he must build a school Dec 25, 2023 · This is my first story on fanfiction to experiment with writing, to any of the rare few who read this, if you see flaws or plot holes in anything feel free to let me know. 9:49pm Books Harry Potter. Then Alex came up with the idea of selling potions to Muggles. We're Screwed By: White Angel of Auralon. AU as of December '95. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama - Harry P. , Sirius B. Stories here may contain AU's. He stared at it for some time while the whole hall was deathly quiet just staring and waiting on Dumbledore. The Wizarding World is confronted with a problem they never had to face before. When Bella Potter meets Death, she takes him up on his offer to be placed in a parallel universe. Harry and the 4th School by Maralle reviews. I have been thinking of this for months but hadn't written it because of all the other unfinished fics I have, but was encouraged by some other peeps to do it anyway. It starts after the first year where she listens to Dumbled The Girl Who Lived left the Dursley's care when she was very young, into the family of fire. , Hades - Words: 1,339 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 239 - Follows: 303 - Published: 8/3/2013 - id: 9559648 Harry Potter and the Rise of an Empire. Of course, the Ministry of Magic goes berserk, and Fudge sends his best Aurors to search for her. She was done being Dumbledore's Golden Girl. Things are not as great as Harry imagined and when personalities clash and tempers rise Harry finds himself at a new school with new friends and new adventures. Turning slowly toward the woman, he raised his hand, and the Sword of Gryffindor appeared in his hand, glowing with a flash of red flame traveling down its length. When he was close, he land, hide his wing and run to school. Hogwarts is not the only supernatural school that sends Harry a letter. -This is a new fic I've been working on for the past 10 days. The cupboard under the stairs series. What she didn't count on was falling for a certain green-eyed, silver-tongued God of Mischief or being hit by Time Sand before the Name: Willow Jasmine Potter. In fact, everything in her life seemed just a bit too big. A Time Lord alone in the world is a terrible thing. But where Harry is shy, Hayley is outgoingactually, Hayley lives for the spotlight. Galloway huffed as she led him down the school corridors. For 9-10-ish years I was treated like a slave by my only known living muggle relatives(I wasn't sure how I was treated when I was a toddler. "You coward. He must build a school, of Witchcraft and Wizardry, without the help of Dumbledore or his old friends Hermione or Ron. Most whispered, many worried. That is, until he makes the ill-advised decision to help a very drunk Harry Potter. She got that much when she compared how other children are to her. Oct 23, 2021 · Turning around, Harry opened the door and walked into an office, where the most vampiric vampire he had ever seen sat behind a desk. "It's wine. Harry Potter attends the DWMA. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry looked down from his position at the head table, his eyes slowly sweeping the hall a sad look in them as he paused looking at the vacant spot ooOOooOOoo. Robin Black was a bound witch. Completed on 05. Semi-crack as things spiral and it becomes a safe haven for magical races, Britain start worrying about him, he turns into a Magical Indiana Jones on a raised ghost ship, has vampire maids and a secretary who are planning his life, and generally causing chaos everywhere he goes in a Harry Potter and the Rise of an Empire. Focuses on Harry before eventual TMR/Fem!HP. If Harry´s secret weapon is Love, Hayley´s is Lust. Words: 211,979. " - In which Harry creates his own AI and throws Hogwarts into chaos, Tony discovers he is the father of a genius kid, and Jarvis gets a new best friend. The Path Least Taken by MonsterSlut reviews. " They walk through the streets of the city into a small garden. The consquences of their own arrogance and bigotry. Lies, deceit, manipulation, that was Harry Potter's entire life. Here Harry is female and goes by name Selene Rosalie Potter-Black nee Evans. Adventure is the main genre. On the brink of death he devises a plan to change the very fabric of the world he lives in. Name: Willow Jasmine Potter. The result is this story. Typical Potter luck. but apparently even after de masterofdeath. Follow the journey as he discovers the truth about his baby sister. Because, if you do Oct 23, 2021 · Turning around, Harry opened the door and walked into an office, where the most vampiric vampire he had ever seen sat behind a desk. Harry and Hermione headed for the six of their friends who had made it down to breakfast before them. Harry remained in the audience. It just comes with a host club. Prompt: Write about the golden trio trying to rebuild the Magical world after the Battle of Hogwarts (100 points) Word Count: 1888. Bitten and raped by Fenrir Greyback Hera Katarina Potter newly turned werewolf but her creature inheritance had awoken. Avada Kedavra'. When Lily died, Snape removed his heart and replaced it with a steel trap. AU. As the Hogwarts students sat down to breakfast, chatting away and waiting for the owls to deliver the latest gossip-filled edition of the Daily Prophet, a small bang came from the entrance to the Great Hall. " Luna stated cheerfully. The four remaining board members were flabbergasted at their introduction to the Potter Institute; young children were running about laughing and jumping into a swimming pool while adults sat drinking coffee as they kept May 11, 2017 · Books Harry Potter. The Goblet of Fire was conned into believing Harry wasn't a Hogwarts student. Empire By: chernabog 90. Next morning Iris woke up after possibly the best sleep she ever had to notice silver-blond hair laying on her chest. SLASH, Any Harry Pairings, All Eras,or Mpreg. All old chapters posted as of 12/9/2023. Fearing Hera to be a dark creature, they place her with the Dursleys and hide her existence from the rest of the magical world. Harry couldn't help but stare. Harry Potter and the Mexican Mages by WyvernRider3 reviews. -October 7th 1998: North America, Glastenbury Mountain, Vermont. 2021. 0614 Hours, August 28, 1987 (Military Calendar) / Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, planet Earth. Travel 38 years into the past, but with a twist. 406K 13. New Chapter on 5/11/2024 features Nymphadora Tonks and Lyra Malfoy (Rule 63 Draco). A/N: This takes place between Middleverse and Turning of the Rouge. Holly, desperate to shorten the gap between her, Dumbledore, and Voldemort, discovers a truly pleasurable way she can get rid of both of them. God, she's beautiful. She turned and saw Mrs. So, he decided to use the Veil seeing as his world was slowly dying. 4K 23. Instead, they got a slut. If you find a baby bird, you can't touch it—not even if it's wounded. Oct 22, 2017 · Fem-Harry whose cusses, swears, likes to kickass and not one to hold back on punching anyone who gets in her way. So… enjoy and review. Linkffn (The Cupboard Series 1: The Cupboard Under The Stairs) Edit: ninja'd. The representative from 4th school won't allow Harry participate in the TriWizards Tournament. and Miss Weasley (or rather Mrs. However, as the new Mistress of Death she was able to break free to Asgard and prepare to reap her vengeance. A mysterious green inked letter banished Harry from his cupboard. Chapters: 28. His Magic which always was near the surface within easy reach of Harry, was now visibly pouring off Harry in waves. A/N: This story was inspired by a scene written by one of my favourite authors, Kiera Marcos. Due to her small stature, the cupboard underneath the stairs where she used to reside in was never too cramped. "These are my friends Hermione, Harry and Ginny. Rated: Fiction M - English - Crime/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 85,446 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 274 Suddenly a large flame, much larger than before, shot into the air and out came another piece of parchment. Follow her journey through the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When confronted with the information about Voldemort being back and targeting muggles, the muggle government didn't just roll over. " I don't own Harry Potter. Summary: There was just something particularly strange about Aria Potter this year. hope you like it. And now, at age eleven, he has recieved two invitations to schools that claim to teach magic. Lost Soul Buried in Darkness. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance After Callisto Potter defeats Voldemort in the graveyard after the third task, Minister Fudge and Headmaster Dumbledore decide to create an exchange program with the Altair Institute of Magic, a school that caters to all types of magical beings, to "improve" relations with creatures. 2. Fleur always thought that the moniker the-boy-who-lived was a misnomer. Also including MILFs of May and Daughters of Potter. Harry was shunned by the whole school after the parseltongue incident. Fem!Harry Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Harry P. Bright Emerald green eyes, naturally tanned skin. Potter) you are not to write to or respond to any mail Harry had sent," but the real reason is that if Harry contacted, all his plans were going to get ruined, fortunately for Harry Potter is part of the Marauders. This fanfic follows the story of Victoria from years 1-3, and it’s packed with excitement with a strong focus on magic, friendship, and boarding school life. An eleven year old Hariel Potter is appropriately horrified when she puts the pieces together. As Master of Death time refused to touch Harry. Two months later he started school in Mexico. Iris though. Hildegarde 'Hilda' Potter learned how to cook at a young age. Story: If you’re looking for a wizarding adventure with a strong Slytherin female lead, look no further than Victoria Potter. Young Eliza Potter is sick and tired of being abused. Harriet Lillian Potter suffered her whole life, she was manipulate and abused by people she trusted. By: Sayaalv (A/N: Inspired for this by another story and coco-cola. Her single bed which had taken up more than half of the dusty old room was always just a bit too big. Said Harry. Books Harry Potter. So she escaped. HELLY-WATERMELONSMELLINFELLON. Two silver wings appeared on his back to astonished of Death Eaters and Voldemort. One that will actually teach him to survive the war. While Dumbledore, whom had literaly ordered the friends of Harry Potter not to contact saying, "For sercurity reasons, Miss Granger, Mr. When Harriet Potter regenerates at the battle of Hogwarts, nothing will ever be the same again. Harry must learn to become a leader like never before, he must build a school After realizing the true extent of Dumbledore's manipulations Harry decides it is time for a new school. While he was sitting there, he flashbacked to the night he dropped the Potter name. Welcome, stranger, to the city of Elyna. The Veela was running late to her dinner appointment with Harry, something she'd have to apologize to him for. From there, the two emptied the trunks in the correct rooms and waited until Winky and Kreacher brought back some furniture. During the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, Harry Potter is sent to the Star Wars universe. so to her, death was the only choice. Harry Potter is 187 and ready to conduct a little time travel experiment. Book 3 is when he starts his own school. Galloway cut her off. Come with me, I will answer your countless questions. As Master of Death, Harrie doesn't stay dead. Valerie Frizzle is Alive!Lily and her class is joined by two new students when the Dursleys move to Walkerville. (Fem Harry/ Edward Cullen and Jasper hale,jacob black and Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any of its characters or world. " THIS STORY IS BEING A selection of stories where Harry has either ran away when he was young, was taken or adopted by other families, left after the war, disappears, turns into an animal and can't be found,, went to a different school, was lost in time,or held hostage. After Hogwarts lost dozens of students each year, they try to change things again. Dumbledore automatically reached out and caught it just like the others. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. " Suddenly a large flame, much larger than before, shot into the air and out came another piece of parchment. Female Harry and Soulmate AU- Indentifying marks DISCONTINUED. Their destinies lay in different worlds: witch and Muggle; magic and science; Scotland and London. When Amaryllis Potter (female Harry) turns 10 she finds out she has a half-brother. Gender: Female. I have no beta. It's not perfect, but for Draco, it's more than enough. She wakes up to find herself in Godric's Hollow on October 31st, 1981. Magical Railgun By: Hikari Nova. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,641 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 645 - Follows: 890 - Published: Dec 25, 2016. Galloway, and opened her mouth to say something, but Mrs. ) "Good morning class! After defeating Voldemort, Harry dies. Random info. Threads Of Time by gr8rockstarrox reviews. Written with kind permission from other authors who let me use various aspects of their own work, different versions of FemHarry in different universes fight Lord Voldemort in their own way. During the height of his life he is betrayed. A girl!Harry story, covering CoS - GoF. Harleen Potter grows up loved and cared for, inseparable from her cousin. Chapter 11 - π. She has built many kingdoms and has been gathering resources and magic and technology in each world. "Thank you. Jul 1, 2022 · Holly Potter: the School Slut By: TimeTraveller-1900. " The woman stands up and gestures for Harry to follow her. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,769 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 398 - Follows: 536 - Updated: Jun 19 Harry had enough. But returns to the British Wizarding World for the Tri-wizard Tournament against the Wednesday, 9th August, 1995. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. But she'd been investigating the enigma that was Harry Potter. Rated M for dark themes [Covers Yrs 6-7] COMPLETE. She wanted out from the war, regardless of everything else. He questions reality, but along the way discovers something he never dreamed of: a life. You see the dark lord of their world blew up their reality, and we fell into this pocket dimension by accident. Chapter One – Coming Home. Only few of his Death Eater joined him. -o0o- The Phoenix School of The ArcaneBy: The Fifth Founder of Hogwarts. . Yet, this is not the end. Unfortunately, the new 8th year Slytherins are determined to find out exactly what everybody's favorite golden girl was hiding. Mar 6, 2011 · By: Shahismael. Disclaimer: as usual all the good stuff belongs to JKR but any mistakes are entirely my own. She was a relative whom they didn't want to be saddled with and unwelcome in their home. Then came Hogwarts and its vast kitchens that got her in full-throttle, disregarding society's expectations of her. Looks: Floor-length black hair with fiery red highlights, normally put into a high ponytail. Moresome Creature!Harry child abuse rape. ), killed a troll, a possessed man and gone and done shit while dealing with Malfoy when I was 11, gone and slayed a damned Basilisk while dealing with Malfoy, a house elf, Lockhart, and everyone in my Heads up I own neither High School DXD or Harry Potter. fleeing Great Britain and moves to Forks Washington. WARNING: tags are meant for Fem!Harry. Now, she discovers the world called Planetos where she intends to create another magical community like in her previous journeys. Sorry but haft to say that. Jul 30, 2019 · Story Title: Nest Building. A Very Powerful Woman By: suchsweetaddiction. Trying not to move too much she looked at Fleur lying next to her with one arm around her and their legs intertwined. 17. But the Veil, it turns out, was not what he expected. Jun 8, 2018 · They love each other and have a deep connection. So, Assassins of the London Rite in 1868, meet Harridan Peverell, jack of many trades and owner of a bar/cafe called Lux. Harry is almost 11 years old and the letters to attend a magical school are being sent out. The story it was in has been taken down for finishing and editing but I encourage you all to check out her website and other stories. So, it's no surprise that at only a tender six-years-old, she decides to run away. After so many years of Hogwarts traditions, Harry thought it was understandable that the staff would gravitate to a table of their own, while the teens chose another. Harry conjured himself a chair and sat down. Bruises littered his small body, some old and yellow, others swollen and fresh. Yes, definitely. The Ruined Peoples By: Pascal in Quebec. ENJOY! CHECK ME OUT ON TUMBLR. " Shouted Voldemort. A six year old Hariel Potter traces the strange marks on her skin, wondering at the meaning of the words her soulmate will speak. Harry flew away to Hogwart. He finds himself in a hospital waking up from from a year long coma. - Words: 1,290 The Eclipse Of Death - FemHarry by avnerno1230. "I'm on my way to the headmaster at the moment, Sophie. Lily and James Potter gave birth to twins, Hera (fem!Harry) and Charlus. There's Something about Potter. At the age of seven, Dudley has his own bought of accidental magic. Petunia Dersley nee Evans divorced her husband after she caught him abusing her niece and she got a job working in japan as the English ambassador's aid, all the while her niece Aurora dreams to be a famous singer and to show the world that magic exists no matter what the western nations Female Harry Potter. Sep 16, 2023 · Harriet Potter as a Master of Death has been traveling dimensions for thousands of years. My name is Athia. Songstress Sorceress By: Hikari Nova. Based on The Galactic War challenge by Belgrath on DZ2's forums. Potter, true to form, takes this as an open invitation to not only invade Draco's home, but also to drag Draco into the political mess that Wizarding Britain has become. Jan 13, 2019 · Books Harry Potter. Sequel to "The Allure of Darkness". When Harry Potter wishes for oblivion to take him forever, there is someone else who seizes the opportunity to take revenge on everyone that wronged them and tries to save the Wizarding World to certain destruction at the same time. This was adopted from the awesome Author: Whitetigerwolf's Domino's Daughter. He sets out to earn his freedom by any means, at any costs, while trying to not lose too much of himself to the various beings, magicks and situations he will encounter. " Threads Of Time by gr8rockstarrox reviews. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry looked down from his position at the head table, his eyes slowly sweeping the hall a sad look in them as he paused looking at the vacant spot Once Harry gets bored of his current world he wants out, and Death offers and alternate universe. Willow has the height of a small 5 year old, with a malnourished gymnast build. Sequel to "Harry Harry Potter, years on from Hogwarts is a genius, billionaire, playboy. He had the fancy suit, he had the fangs, and he had the glass of a questionable red substance on a table in front of him. During that fateful Halloween night harry potter was taken by a goddess as a payment for the ritual that lily potter uses to protect her children form you know who, raised by some of the most powerful deity in the marvel universe watch as a different harry potter change the world for better or worse. Main Pairing: Draco/Aria, others undecided. Harry flew near Hogwart. Lightning bolt scar over her right eye. making her into a hybrid of a vampire and werewolf. I'm bumping up the timeline a bit in that harry was born in 2000 instead of 1980. A girl in Harry's class was taking a book out of her backpack on one of the hooks on the wall. So Harry, Sirius and Remus are off on a new adventure at a new school with new friends, old villians and much more. A runaway in a blue box, a madman haunted by drums, and a lucky girl are all that's left of the once great civilization. He mused that the Slytherin wouldn't be happy about a Gryffindor trying to console her, so he was already turning around to go out and leave the girl alone with the letter when he heard a painfully familiar nasty chuckle. Bishops = (Maybe Luna Lovegood) Knights = (Maybe Draco Malfoy) Rooks = (maybe Fred and Gorge Weasley age 15) Jan 15, 2019 · Lissy Potter was a thin, petite, and fragile girl. And, of course, one of them include Sirius Black. Crossover - Harry Potter & Assassin's Creed - Rated: T - English - Chapters Cleaved by StarsandSunkissed. The red haired teen demanded. She's interested but cooking but she ensures the Dursleys never get her best. "Oh, we're travelers. Magic help her with her new journey into the wide world beyond Wizarding Britain. lu ho qw hf lb ot mq kj cx ch

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